Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Fairytale!

                                                     Picture Courtesy: Google Image Finder.

We were a prince and a princess in love.

It was a lovely fairytale which no one had to know.

I loved you and you loved me,
You kissed me on the forehead and never let me weep.

Never seemed that the fairytale would end,
But, there, in the woods, was a someone who wished that our love met a dead end.

Silently, he came, became your friend, turned your head around,
But, never did he make a single sound.

How could you have been so foolish,
To believe everything he had to say about me?
And, then crying about how you and I were never meant to be?

I think the time has come,
That you go your way and I go mine.
I will never forget you and our Love Divine.

And, also how the stranger came and took you away,
Far away from me on the rusty sleigh.

Baby, I'll always be there for you,
Even though you've bid me a final adieu!

- Apurva.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What You Are.

It's funny to see how many people think I'm hated,

But, the truth is that I'm just outdated.

Living in this world, I've realized, it's not about how you live your life,
It's about how others want you to live your life,

Don't change yourself and you will feel,
The immense pain that I can't reveal.

Change yourself and you will see,
The others will like you the way you're not meant to be.

Don't bother whether the world thinks of you as a lot or just a dot,
But, always remember to never be something you're not.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Discovering Kochi, February- March 2010!

Photograph: Anish Tiwary, FLAME.

Living in the peninsula was so much fun,
We can't believe that it's all over and done.

We were eight, never thought it would be so great,
By the end of it, we didn't want to go back.

Be it the Basilica or the Fishing Nets,
It was all so photogenic, that it all looked like a 'filmy'set!

We had a lot of differences and a lot of cuts,
And we realized that it's not only about creams and coconuts!


Save the Stripes.

Picture Courtesy: Google Image Finder.

Poachers beware..
You never know when we'll come devour you and where..

Step into our shoes and try understanding where we stand,
We're endangered, but you simply won't understand..

For humanity's sake, spare the gun,
It's all because we're only one four one one.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Avinash and me on the train to Kochi.

Posted by Picasa Photograph: Anish Tiwary, FLAME.

Away from home.

Away from home, far away from it,

I think it's all a jungle and I am afraid a wee bit,

I miss my mom and my dad,
C'mon, life here has never been so dull and so sad,

I wish I could go home,
And, have all the fun I used to, as a child,
And, make a wish, never to go back into the wild.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Walk with me.

The sun will always set and will always rise..
But, our life will always be the same with all the poignant noise.

Have we ever thought about life in a different way?
Come walk with me, and you'll realise
what I want to say.
